my partner and i have decided our genres for the opening, being action/comedy. Now we are starting to develop the plot and the actual opening, meaning like character background and things like that. For our plot we want to really give off the reason why the character are doing what they are doing. Also showing the clear differences in the two, and how two different personalities can work together.
During the opening we want to not really have ton of dialog till the very end. During the begging sciences we want it to be strictly building both characters mindset, reasoning, personalities, etc… and the towards the end we will have the two characters collide and finally have a real conversation but a very brief one. As you can see from our past blogs we want to do shots where there are different people doing things at the same time. Also we will connect scenes by using sound effects from one to the other. From example in on of the science we will have honking sounds upside a window or in the background and it will switch to the “baby driver” honking.
We didn’t want to make the opening to similar to Baby driver. So we created the idea that the rich and serious character has a sick mother with cancer and there is only one lab that has the cure and that is the reason he is doing this and we will pay the driver money to do the driving. We do have what we want the whole story to be or at least based off and the personalities=ties of the characters. However, we are still trying to figure out what we want to do to further push the character and give backround and how we will film the actual driving scenes.
My biggest concern right now is how we can make the opening look professional and clean while. And not going to over board with unrealistic ideas. Because my editing is not the brightest. Overall my partner and I or constantly coming up with better and brighter ideas everyday so I’m exited to see what we are going to end up creating.