Basic summary of what you learned during the sound lesson and assigned videos-------while the sound project lessons I realized how advanced and complex sound really is. I also learned that within a 20 second scene there can be hundreds of singular sound effects to make one scene. Also that sound producers use a art called Foley, which is where a sound producer will use different tools, foods, objects to make sounds.
Summary of directions for the Sound project-------Brainstorm a 1-2 minute scene with appropriate action that fits within the time span, excluding scenarios like getting ready for school, cooking, or robbery. Focus on sounds to convey the plot and limit dialogue to only seven words in the scene. Choose your scene and create a detailed outline, explaining how sound will realistically represent your narrative, then submit the outline for the "Soundscape Planning Outline" assignment on Canvas.
Summary of your approach to completing this project------- my approach to completing this project was not how I thought it was gonna be. I original thought this was gonna be a easy project but turns out sound is way more complicated and complex. my approach was to spend most of the time editing which it did.
What did you do during brainstorming?------ basically thought about scenes and how could i make them become possible with only sound, and which sound could i make with things at home.(Foley)
How did your outline help you to organize your sounds?------- the out line made it super easy to organize my sounds. I had my all my sound effects in a file and it was very chaotic so the outline made it way easier and efficient.
What editing resource did you utilize?------ I used adobe premier
Analysis of what was done well and what you would like to improve next time.------ I think we did good planning and foley sounds as well as the editing. but one thing i think i could have done better would be the transition in between scenes it was a little rough.
- Link to your project------
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