My panther and I will be making a schedule to better spread out our filming, planning, editing, and research, to use our time as best as possible. Considering this is the biggest project of the year! Planning without a doubt is the most important part of the project. And honestly i work better when i have a plan laid out and i feel better about my work.
-Watch and analyze film openings to learn how titles are integrated into commercial cinema.
--Research various genres before deciding on the film's style, tone, and subjects.
-Create story concepts and a brief pitch for the opening scene.
-Decide whether to work solo or in groups.
-Transitioning my blog to capture the entire process.
-Write the first draft of the script, keeping it inside two minutes.
-A storyboard and thorough shot list can help you plan your shots.
-Begin looking for recording places and ensuring that any necessary permissions exist.
-Make a list of the items and costumes required for the film.
-Post blog updates about plot development and pre-production planning.
Week 3: Preproduction and Test Filming
-Finalize the screenplay and shot list.
-Choose a song to utilize in the film.
-Determine filming sites and acquire the appropriate props, costumes, and equipment.
-Shoot test shots and practice important situations to ensure proper framing, lighting, and camera motions.
-Adapt the storyboard and shot list based on the test footage.
-Continue to track progress on the blog, including any changes or obstacles.
Week 4 - Principal Filming
-Film all scheduled scenarios with the goal of capturing as many takes as possible so that you have options -while editing.
-Create creative dialogue and evocative sound.
-Review footage after each production to identify any technical difficulties early on.
-Blog about the filming experience, challenges faced, and any unexpected changes.
Week 5: Re-filming and Additional Shots.
-Watch all of the footage and make notes on what needs to be improved.
-Re-film any scenes that have any issues.
-Get new footage for better editing transitions and fluidity.
-Start logging and organizing clips for the editing process.
-Update the blog with reflections on re-filming and any new ideas.
Week 6: Editing & Sound Design
-Begin editing a rough cut of the film, focusing on pacing and storytelling.
-Add titles, making sure they follow commercial film conventions.
-Work on sound design, syncing dialogue/music, and adding sound effects.
-Show the rough cut to a few people for feedback and take notes on possible improvements.
-Document the editing process on the blog with screenshots and reflections.
Week 7: Refinement and Creative Critical Reflection.
-Make final edits depending on input, including pace, color grading, and sound mixing.
-Re-watch the film several times to identify any remaining faults.
-Answer the four required reflection questions in a creative manner.
-Post the final reflection on the blog, taking care to include personal thoughts and lessons learned.
Week 8: Final Touches and Submission
-Conduct a final review of the film to ensure that everything is polished and fulfills criteria.
-Make sure the blog includes all essential documents, such as storyboards, test shots, reflections, and the —final film.
-Submit your film before the deadline.
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