Thursday, March 13, 2025

Group meeting


In my group meeting I had Lucia, Sara, Addison, and Isa. My group was amazing and so helpful. To begin with, before I get started on what they helped me with and what we discussed. But I was so blessed to be able to work with people so much more talented than me and more experienced in the filming area, so yea thanks group. So we first started by going over what our film was about and my group had amazing ideas. But the one that stood out to me the most was Sara’s. She is film an autobiography of her life, and she is doing it all in Spanish. Which I thought was so unique and just an amazing idea and I can’t wait to see the result. Sara is also the only one that Is using a different editing software then the rest of the group, we are are all using adobe premiere while she is using daVinci resolve. Btw all my group member have amazing ideas just Sara was the most unique. During the meeting i had great feedback from all of my members. For example, Lucia really helped me get over a massive bump concerning my music situation and gave me the amazing idea of a harsh editing style, and honestly it fits my film opening the best. We also discussed a lot of the CCR and what our ideas are. As well the credits and little details like that. Overall amazing group and helped me so much with my film opening the motive. And wish the best of luck to them. :)

Sunday, March 9, 2025


 My film is about a smart-rich guys whos name is lukias johnson. And his mother is superintendente from severe brain cancer and is trying to steal the cure. And he can’t do it alone so he hires an unknown kid named Thomas who is surprisingly talented at driving. The genre is action and comedy, so to portray these genres we are using bright lighting, fast cuts, omunis music, also not spoiling the film to create further suspense and want to watch the movie.

Post production post #2

 after adding all the clips all we have left is to finish the editing and add credits and company logo and we are finally done. In my head it seems like a lot but after writing this I realized we are good on time and shouldn’t stress. Jano has the company logo done and it turned out pretty nice i don’t have it but im sure it is his blog. Also the credits good luck to Jano because im not that skilled to add letters so yea. Other than that we have to multi task with editing and CCR. But yea editing is going well and i hope that’s it stay that way.

This is a little editing that was when i first stared the editing for the movie opening. 

Post production post #1 editing

 well well well, its time to start the hardest, worst part of making a movie, the things that is in my nightmares, editing. I have been dreading this time for weeks. But it’s time to edit. Me and my partner have started editing, we started off by putting the all the videos in our editing sofware choice of premiere rush. 

Im in charge of editing and putting it together, while Jano is responsible for the credits and production company logo. Editing makes me go crazy like lit crazy but it fine we push the through and so far its been going okay but as the dead line inches closer and closer i become more worried and worried. But we have a plan and we are sticking to it. Although editing is a lot of blood, sweat and tears, it’s really rewarding to finally see our filming coming to life and looking like a real movie. After adding the music to the editing I’ve heard that song replay a million times and im sick of it. But it does really match the movie and im so glad that we filmed every scene at least twice some three times, because it make my life so much easier and gives us lead way when editing. Overall its going pretty smoothly and nothing bad has happened yet, and i hope it stays that way.

Production post #4

 for this post i will be running you through our filming process, and what we did and how we filmed it. First i recently tore my meniscus and had to unfortunately take off a little from soccer so that freed up some time to film which turned out to work well. So after school everyday this week me and my partner would go straight to filming and we got so much done. We went to out location and set dressed up and grabbed our props.

The first day of filming together went great besides the fact I couldn’t walk without crutches. But we worked it out. The first day we ended of filming most of the car scenes, like the drifting, and also any scenes inside the car. When we arrived at the filming area we got a good hour of perfect filming until, rain came and winds blew. Our filming equipment like the camera, props got completely wet and we had to wrap up for the day. And then the next day we went back to filming and ran into another problem, people we running so sketchy business deal at the our filming location. And i being so honest, idk if i can disclose what they offered us on this blog but it was something bad. So we skipped ahead of the ordered we wanted to film and started filming so of the scenes where the two characters actually meet. Then those people left and we got to continue filming. We potential might have to refilm some things and continue filming the final shots. But we have started editing and planning our CCR. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Planning post of my choice

 some of the least things we decided to plan or think out and decide before we started out official filming on February 28, was where we are going to film and the final scene of our opening film. 

So we decided that we are going to film in 3 location my moms office, Janos home shortly, and a final scene is going to be filmed at a remote location here in Weston Florida, in a blocked off culdesac. And for the final scene of the 1-2 min opening film we decided that we are going to have the two character meet shortly in the secret area and have lukias(rich smart guy) the rich and smart guy offer Tommy a bunch of money and then right as the shake hands boom it ends. The reason we ended it so sudden is to make the viewers wanna see the rest wanna know what is gonna happen. Other than this we have finished the rest of the planning and have started filming and aim to be done soon and get to editing. 

Production post #3

 In this post i will be talking about how we set everything up. Meaning about the setting aswell as the camera. To being with the setting. This first scene of the movie opening was filmed in my mom’s office, a dark room with a big desk in it. It was perfect. During this process of setting everything up i was searching through things that i could use. I decide that mail would make the scene loom messy and realistic so i grabbed some of that. Also a bunch of papers, books, files, post-it-notes, pencils, Amazon box, checks, of course the keyboard and monitor, and a radio. All of these things came together perfectly i was very amazed on the final result. And although it look super messy, that just the way i wanted it to look considering the smart rich guy is a busy working and stressed workaholic. On the other hand, camera set up. I set up the camera 3 ways, either i had my cousin record, tripod, or i would record myself, but i found it best when I recorded my self because i had more control over the small little aspects of the filming. To film im using the Canon EOS Rebel T61i, this camera allows me to have better quality, efficiency, and angle compared to other filming tools like the iPhone or android. So yea overall the set up was very good and the filming went smooth. 

Production post #1

 Fro this post i will be talking about lighting. during my filming process this past week lighting played a massive factor. Considering it was indoors the lighting had to be tweaked and moved around A lot. Luckily i was filming in my moms office which had blackout curtains which 100% improved the flexibility and control i had over the lighting. To get the mysterious and ominous light i used a LED light my dad has for his camera. And it worked out perfectly, with multiple setting a color variants i was able to try each one out and see what looked the best. This LED light had a clip and in order to block out all the surroundings I clipped it on the top of the monitor and it gave all the spot light if you will on the desk area allowing all the focus to be there rather than around everywhere else. Overall the light was perfect and I couldn’t have asked for better ligthing im so proud how it came out.

Here is a photo of the lighting—

Production post #2

- Day 1 of filming

So i have finally started recording the film opening of ———. Day one was very productive and went really smooth. I completed scenes 1 & 2 about 90%, and honestly i went way better than i expected. Luckily it got dark super early when i started filming and it enhanced the setting of the filming area. So the actual place that i am filming is in my mom office, because it has a big desk and is a super dark room. Considering the character Lukais is trying to find the cure for cancer you would expect his work space to be messy. So in order to push that concept i took files, mail, checks, basically anything that looked  important. And it turned out perfect. Aswell as the lighting. My dad has a bunch of camera gear so i used lighting tools he had and it really made the shots look better and more mysterious if you would. 

So, while filming i did run into one problem well two. So while filming I realized right before the scence where lukais is showing hacking or typing on the computer and the green reflect off his face and glasses. Yea so I didn’t think it through. The monitor that is in the shots is not plugged into anything so i had to revise. At first there was a tv in the office so i went onto YouTube and searched up hacker videos and it look horrible. So then I remember i had a laptop and went onto YouTube and searched up the same thing and slightly changed the angle of the filming and it turned out even better than i could imagine. It was so perfect that all you could was see my upper half and my fingers making the movements of typing and nothing in the backround so in the end it turned out really nice. The second problem i ran into was the tripod. This tripod dint not like to stand straight or pan right and left smoothly. And most people would wield the camera with there hands but my filing is so shaky so i just had to deal with that tripod. 

During filming I actually had my cousins to help me film so thank you to them. But anyways we ended up filming multiple different versions of every scene. For example, when lukias turns on the radio we filmed one from a high angle showing more of the arm. While ion comparison we filmed this extreme close up from the side and only showed the fingers Turing on the radio. The reason i did this was so that we had variety while editing. So just in case we decide we didn’t like it we had a back up option. The video below is the examples.

Group meeting

  In my group meeting I had Lucia, Sara, Addison, and Isa. My group was amazing and so helpful. To begin with, before I get started on what ...