Sunday, March 9, 2025

Post production post #1 editing

 well well well, its time to start the hardest, worst part of making a movie, the things that is in my nightmares, editing. I have been dreading this time for weeks. But it’s time to edit. Me and my partner have started editing, we started off by putting the all the videos in our editing sofware choice of premiere rush. 

Im in charge of editing and putting it together, while Jano is responsible for the credits and production company logo. Editing makes me go crazy like lit crazy but it fine we push the through and so far its been going okay but as the dead line inches closer and closer i become more worried and worried. But we have a plan and we are sticking to it. Although editing is a lot of blood, sweat and tears, it’s really rewarding to finally see our filming coming to life and looking like a real movie. After adding the music to the editing I’ve heard that song replay a million times and im sick of it. But it does really match the movie and im so glad that we filmed every scene at least twice some three times, because it make my life so much easier and gives us lead way when editing. Overall its going pretty smoothly and nothing bad has happened yet, and i hope it stays that way.

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Group meeting

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