for this post i will be running you through our filming process, and what we did and how we filmed it. First i recently tore my meniscus and had to unfortunately take off a little from soccer so that freed up some time to film which turned out to work well. So after school everyday this week me and my partner would go straight to filming and we got so much done. We went to out location and set dressed up and grabbed our props.
The first day of filming together went great besides the fact I couldn’t walk without crutches. But we worked it out. The first day we ended of filming most of the car scenes, like the drifting, and also any scenes inside the car. When we arrived at the filming area we got a good hour of perfect filming until, rain came and winds blew. Our filming equipment like the camera, props got completely wet and we had to wrap up for the day. And then the next day we went back to filming and ran into another problem, people we running so sketchy business deal at the our filming location. And i being so honest, idk if i can disclose what they offered us on this blog but it was something bad. So we skipped ahead of the ordered we wanted to film and started filming so of the scenes where the two characters actually meet. Then those people left and we got to continue filming. We potential might have to refilm some things and continue filming the final shots. But we have started editing and planning our CCR.
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